It’s Time to Explore the UK

Yes, you read it right! We moved to the UK last month!

We spent two years in Bangalore before moving here. I have realized that leaving a place where you’ve made wonderful memories in a very short period will inevitably leave you happy and sad both at the same time. It?s hard to put my finger on exactly what has left me feeling this way. But one thing is for sure - the memories of Bangalore will be cherished by us forever!

Growing up in a diverse country like India and living four years in the US has made me realize that every place or culture has different things to offer, which will help you grow both personally and professionally.

Now we have this opportunity to explore this beautiful part of the world which is full of history, beautiful languages and varied, rich cultures. I don’t know how much time we’re going to spend in the UK, but one thing I can surely say that we will explore this part of the world and will make some memorable trips out of our stay.

As someone truly said:

Home is not just a place, it’s a feeling.

So as far as we are together, we can have this feeling with us. Let’s see what the UK has stored for us. It is a new challenge and a new opportunity for all of us.

There’s no denying that life is so full of surprises and serendipity. We never know what is going to happen next but as a human being, we never stop planning or predicting our future. And if we prepare ourselves for those surprises of life then it will be a lot easier to deal with them.

I believe every experience is a way to learn, grow and expand your horizons. In a true sense, any sort of travel improves brain health, it allows us to meet new people, adapt to new situations. And last but not least you become more globally and culturally aware.

So I feel happy and blessed by getting this chance to explore this part of the world!

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