Books and Movies


Books and movies are loved by many people, but if you ask someone which one is better people will certainly go blank. I think in reality movies can’t replace books and vice versa. I have tried to write some lines on this debating topic in the form of verses. I hope you can relate to these lines.

Books and movies are loved by many people, but if you ask someone which one is better people will certainly go blank. I think in reality movies can’t replace books and vice versa.

One basic difference that I feel is that it takes a lot of time to become an avid reader and love books. But it’s easy to watch a movie in a theatre or at home anytime and enjoy the show and get easily engrossed. Read about my Netflix addiction here.

Movies also have so many added benefits over books like music, visual effects and overall experience of watching them. These attributes of movies certainly attract people to choose them over a book. On the other hand, if you ask this question to an avid reader then they would definitely tell you hundreds of benefits of books.

Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different.

Stephen King

People have different choices, some can’t live without reading a book and others just love watching movies. And then there are people like me who like both and can’t imagine life without any of them.

I have tried to write some lines on this debating topic in the form of verses. I hope you can relate to these lines.

Books are your best friends as people say,
And there are movies based on books by the way.

What do you like most, going to the library or a movie theatre?
Remember that both books and movies are the imagination of a writer.

Books take you to a virtual tour inside your mind,
Movies are the best kind of visual communication, let me remind.

You can read books anytime, whether you’re at home or going anywhere,
You can watch movies with friends and enjoy together.

Books teach you so many things - so do movies,
Can’t say which one is better as both have their own qualities.

But books are capable of serving her purpose alone,
Movies need fancy technologies and some of them you may not own.

Both are two different ways of storytelling,
One you can enjoy by reading and the other by watching.

Books were always an inspiration for movies and their characters,
Some of them are real treasure written by exceptional writers.

This is an age-old debate - which one would you prefer,
Movies entertain us and books makes us wiser and better.

But if you ask me I would certainly prefer a book anytime,
Even though I also love to watch a movie for better visual experience sometimes.

What’s your take on this? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section.

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