The Small Pleasures of Life


Having ambitions does not mean that we will achieve everything. We also need a lot of commitment to be successful and enjoy the small pleasures of life. Apart from all the dreams and ambitions of our life, there are small pleasures of life that we ignore sometimes.

Being an ambitious person I firmly believe that every obstacle will move aside for the person who is truly motivated. But just having ambitions does not mean that we will achieve everything. We also need a lot of commitment to be successful and enjoy the small pleasures of life. Casting myself to childhood days, I remember my dream of achieving something big. And I did my best to do the same.

I would not deny that I didn’t get everything that I dreamt about, but I do feel proud of myself that I came this far. Growing up, I never accepted that I will have to end up struggling in life or have trouble making ends meet. I just feel good when I look back and think about how I fought with my fears and accepted every challenge that came in my way.

But why am I sharing this? Apart from all the dreams (read here my poem - Never Stop Dreaming) and ambitions of our life, there are small pleasures of life that we ignore sometimes. And I do realize that I missed some of those precious moments too. I used to think that someday I will make everything right - I will talk to my old friends and spend more time with my kids. But the bitter truth is that each passing day will allure you to a new aspiration and you will never get to enjoy those precious moments.

Truth to be told, I am not the only one who is the victim of ambitions, dreams and pursuit of happiness. Many people are going through this and living a lie by ignoring the small pleasure of their lives.

With this thought, I have written a few lines in Hindi to inspire me and others who are in the same boat.

छोटी-छोटी ख़ुशियाँ

ज़िंदगी की भागदौड़ में हम खो देते हैं छोटी-छोटी ख़ुशियाँ,
कुछ बड़ा पाने की आस ने बसा लेते हैं नयीं दुनियाँ।
भूल जाते हैं अपनों के पास दो घड़ी बैठना और बात करना,
पुराने दोस्तों के साथ मिलना और मस्ती पूरी रात करना।

यूँ ही फिसल जाती है ज़िंदगी रेत की तरह हाथों से,
नहीं मिल पाते हम अनगिनत छोटी-छोटी सौग़ातों से।
चढ़ते है ना जाने कितने पहाड़ ऊँचाई तक जाने को,
सफ़र का मज़ा लेना भूल जाते हैं मंज़िल पाने को।

क्या मिलता है छोटी-छोटी ख़ुशियों के बिना जीने से,
क्यों अनदेखा कर इनको हम नहीं लगाते सीने से।
इस दुनिया की अंधी दौड़ में हम ना जाने क्या-क्या लुटाते हैं,
किसी बड़ी ख़ुशी के इंतेज़ार में हर दिन छोटी-छोटी ख़ुशियाँ गवाते हैं।

छोड़ चिंता भविष्य की चलो सीख लें हम जीना आज में,
सीख लेकर बीतें हुए दिनों से जी लें आज को नए अन्दाज़ में।
दो घड़ी ठहर कर पूँछ ले हाल दोस्तों और अपनों का,
माना आसान नहीं हैं ये सब, क्यों कि बोझ बहुत है सपनों का।

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